I've been participating in Lockshop model contest, cause I just couldn't resist not to try to do so. Yes, I even established a new FB profile for it (do you see how passioned I'm about it?But the winner himself will be picked by the Chokelate alone only from those 10 with the biggest number of likes).
The reason why I'm participating is mainly the collaboration with Chokelate (Nina) of whom I'm a huuuge fan, not that the prizes wouldn't be amazing as well...
So For those who feels like supporting me there, like the photo of mine at the lockshopwigs page of competitors^^(I have undergo a huuge strugle to choose a photo and I ended up with this, quite old actually...maybe not that great idea, but nevermind)
So here..feel free to share etc.
I promise you even more love in the case I would get to the second turn ♥_♥