So finally I'm here to show you a sweater I got sponsored by PERSUN right before I left to Seoul so I couldn't really make the review earlier.
I chose this sweater ---> even though I thought it's gonna be a bit bigger and oversize, it's really like in the picture plus the material is really nice and warm as well. I went for this pattern for it's playfulness as I've been really into wearing something really plain or monochrome while breaking it with some cute and infantile element. I can't help but think about LEGO bricks, ㅋㅋㅋ
"Cloudy Seoul is a song by korean indie band called Mot (못) from album called Strange Season.
I used this name, because the pronunciation is the same as "Cloudy soul" and both meanings matters here I would say. What's more, when you look how the band's name is written, it reminds me of a simple human image which was somehow fitting to the whole concept of this outfit, as the cardigan's pattern is somehow LEGO'ish as well as the girl and boy on my Korean socks."