May 18, 2011

Hypnotize them with your sight

My circle lenses finally came!!! (after about month of waiting and it was ordered from Czech republic!!!)
Actually they came on Monday, when I also wear them for first just for trying them out, but it was real hell to put them on (but putting them - of course another one-his full red lenses- into eyes of my bro was done in a minute!!!-lucky him and poor me poking at my eyes for so long!)..
And today, I wore them to school, and everyone was staring so persistently... but it was a fun..noone noticed, that I'm missing of another teeth, that I can't speak well and therefore I almost don't speak at all...(the preparation for my upcoming dental braces)...

And here's a proof..
(but I was living in a big mistake, cause I really thought, that they will be whole black..-_-)


  1. Vypadá to roztomile a zároveň mírně creepy *_*

  2. Ježiš to je cute! Ty budeš mít rovnátka? wow :D

  3. Wow, you look so...cute and...somehow...bishie/uke-like :D:D Loooove you <3 :D

  4. to su tie natural ring vsak? Pretoze o nich viem, ze sa tvaria ako cele cierne, ale v skutocnosti je to len to cierne koliesko okolo tvojho prirodzeneho oka. Ak si chcela uplne cierne, tak to su Dolly Black. Ja mam Cool Blue a su nadherne, milujem circle lenses ^^ a moja kamaratka ma takmer celu kolekciu tych co su v ponuke na nasom uzemi. A ak mas nejake celkom ine a netusis o com tu hovorim, tak ako keby som ani nic nenapisala XD

  5. Thanks to everyone ^^

    Stella : Budu..a už mě to netěší ani za cenu rovných zubů v budoucnu

    Estelle : Uke again? XDDD so with the red lenses from my bro I look totaly seme XD

    Herumivona : Jop, přesně to bylo, ajk říkáš..dolly black? Noo snad v budoucnu...mít více peněz, taky taky zkoupím všechny dostupné na našem území,ale i tak ve mě tyhle circle lenses vzbudily nenasytnost vlastnictví dalších několika...ale to ej tak u mě vždy..mám wishlisty na všechno XDDD

  6. Tenshi: Hey, Take some photo with the red ones! Make some seme look! <3 :D

  7. You look o different with them O_o Wow!
