July 7, 2011

After the cleaning up mess...

I decided to take some photos of my room's current look...
(It was a little different before and it will be absolutely much different after all the changes I'm planing to do..x)
(Without my speaking, just with some comments of mine and with a song Fur Elisse xP)
I didn't know If the video will work up,so I also took a few photos..x)
Do not expect anything extra, cause my room is just like a small shoes box xP

And clothes like everywhere..xP
The first thing what you'll see on left when you enter my room (also the mirror I was speaking about a few post before...I always wanted any kind of these big mirrors and had no place for it and then, the idea about the wardrobe's door appeared on my mind)

And the view from my door
from the window side  

And taken from my bed :D :

+Other close-ups

One fo my wardrobe (but I have 3 others in the next room - one with a pyjamas, socks and over-knee socks, one with tights, scarfs, caps etc and the last one with coats,jackets and some old sweaters.)
And infantile corner of mine

Yay for being so talkative in recent~

A ZÁMĚRNĚ ČESKY : v brzkých dnech očekávejte na from-wonderland blogu mega closet cleaning..xP Nebude-li blog spolupracovat, dám ho tady,ale jsem si vědoma, že né všichni mají možnost zde psát, takže se pokusím uskutečnit jej tam x)


  1. Awww such a cute little fairy boxie! ^^ I love that tree on the wall and al those...pearl things :D hanging from the ceiling...It's all so...dreamy...<3
    (And I use that poor wooden doll for my accesorries too :D)

  2. (I hope that CC will be before Colours of Ostrava...and also that tere will be some accesorries, too...^^")

  3. Johanka : There are many of accessories x) But I also want to do it before Next week, so, maybe tomorrow?

  4. CC budu nedočkavě vyhlížet XD
    Máš krásný pokojík :)

  5. Máš nádherný pokoj! *_* A opravdu ti moc závidím tvé Care Bears! :D
