August 10, 2011

And Kitsu & Pepu was here

Shame on me, writing about this weekend few weeks later, but still, I really wanted to drop here at least a little mention of that three days we spent together at the end of world, far behind black hole...

I think that most of you, who at least know me a little know how much do I detest the place I live in.

 Because at some point, it became my cage from which I just can't escape.
It's nowhere, everything is too far and running away isn't possible yet..
But the most foolish things are this pointless thoughts..

Cause thinking like this will border you in a circle of hopeless self-pity and disgust and made your life even more miserable...

So having them here was like a clash of worlds I live in.
Something which persist with me however they already left..

And because one of the them was Pepu, an ardent photographer, the rest will be expressed through photos we made x)
I hope they won't be against posting some photos with them..x)

And attention...
Kitsu in sweet & Pepu in pastels , both of them in my clothes and outfits I thought out for them as for my cute dolls...(yay! I really enjoyed it!!!)
And me in their clothes in full black outfit..xP

So the huge number of mine photoshoots from these days will be in another post x)


  1. Really thank you again for that wonderful weekend, I still can feel the feelings it gave me ♥

  2. Wah so many photos of me, I am not sure I can handle it :D
    But it reminded me of the weekend that was so perfect...I don'T care if you live at the end of the world, I hope we can visit again soon, because it's really magical because it's a place where you live n_n
    Also you should have mentioned that we were nearly arrestedXD
    (hopefully you will finally see my comment >_<)

  3. Dokonalá výměna oblečení. :D Všem vám to strašně moc slušelo a závidím, že jste spolu mohly být, taky bych ráda někdy unikla z téhle své vesnické klece. ^^

  4. Nechci do toho rýpat, vážně, ale když člověk chce odněkud pryč... tak mu nezbývá než si našetřit a odejít. :) Samo se to nestane. (Vím, o čem mluvím. Nejsou to jen prázdné řeči.) Někdy to může vyjít na spoustu snahy, ale výsledek by měl stát za to.

  5. Pepu,Kitsu : YAY! I do see your comments..what happened? o.O
    And I also didn't mention our potential arrest know, I still have to keep my image of innocent "Tenshi" xD

    Terezka : Děkuji i za ostatní x) ...a za tebou nejezdí ani Kira Terezko, nebo takhle?

    ynne66 : co jsem napsala nebylo mé chvilkové rozpoložení mysli, takže I gave it some thoughts too...Souhlasím s tím, cos napsala,ale dokud neukončím střední, je to tak, jak jsem řekla..
