October 14, 2011

After a time, after some changes

According to things which kept annually happening always in the same part of year,I thought out a theory about my life being like a swing..
once again I was wrong..
this year, the awaited good period didn't showed up.

I've fallen for extremely big sweaters...
And bought wedges (new look alike XD) ..Thanks to them, no lonely feelings anymore, you know, their tick tick clopping is always around...
 Also, I've made it to the point, I haven't recognized the mirror reflection of myself...

 And also, I have a look I made a time before and because I don't feel like posting it at LB, I will at least put it here... you know, this post is pointless anyway!

I called it Visual Vision...


  1. I love that first mirror photo! *.*
    ...And cool wedges. I wanted the same ones... :P

  2. words cant explain how amazing you are *-*
    your style is really breathtaking <3

  3. Jak to děláš, že vypadáš tak skvěle? :D Já vzít si na sebe něco byť o tři velikosti většího, tak vypadám jako v pytli od brambor. XD
