December 10, 2011

World under sugar blanket

One dear friend of mine once said to me, that the best thing against depressions is creating...
But the main problem of depressions is inability to create anything..
So I've baked whole long day until now...
I quess my mum is happy..

(firstly I burnt them little, then I realized, that you can't be that braindead as I thought xP)

 I also made some Christas Gingerbreads, but in the end, there was strange pictures I actually even didn't mean to this Star Wars one XD


  1. Ahoj ahoj :)
    Jé cukroví. To mi zase kupujem cukroví ve zdarvévýživě bio bio. :D

    Tenshi, chtěla jsem se tě zeptat: jak to vidíš s tím silvestrem? Jedeš teda to té Prahy? Já jedu, a kdyby to vyšlo, ráda bych jela s někým dalším (čti: s tebou) :)

  2. Mňam, to vypadá krásně. Mě už čeká jen pomoct s vosíma hnízdama :)
