I've finished 16th cycle of America's next top model and even I plan to write about the cycle 11-17 in some later post...I just have to..
Because I'm in love.
(Just ignore the music)
I liked her during the whole cycle, but for that whole drama, I wasn't really sure if it's good thing to do...
Than they cut her her (And Molly's too *.*) and I've thrown away all the doubts.
She's just drop dead gorgeous!!!
Yes, I liked her before..but now..I'm frankly obsessed with her, and you can't really blame me!
Damn it! I wanna be reborn and she's the idea of my dreamy body **
She is gorgeous, but I liked her more with her long hair, she looked so clear and innocent back then (well just looked) and I liked that vision of her. :)
ReplyDeleteOMGggg she looks awesome. so...boyish! :D
ReplyDeletePředtím se mi líbila víc, vypadá jako kluk, ale to je vcelku jedno. Chápu tě, každopádně... když už si budeš měnit to tělo, prosím, přenech mi svoje, protože já se chci narodit jako ty. :P
ReplyDeleteYnne : Já si totiž ulétávám na krátkých vlasech a boyish vzezření (a na druhou stránku i na princeznovských a panenkovských slečnách XD)..
ReplyDeleteo.O šílená bytosti, nevíš co říkáš XD ale potěšilo mě to..vážně ♥♥♥