March 23, 2012

Just a quick post

Without realizing, it's become quite hectic in my life. Not, just kidding. Sitting, not doing anything, procrastinating doing anything I should be actually doing.
Monday morning, I'm living for Paris for a whole (not really, but nevermind) week as a first proper schools trip of mine I'm participating.
I just finished my homemade muesli (just with honey, cranberries,cinnamon and a bit of cocoa and oat flakes ofc) and that's probably of mine preparations. I should prepare like a million other things, but I'm procrastinating choosing even my outfits.
Shame on me.
The main point of this post is a few photos I asked my friends to take.
Because I bought a new pair of heels yesterday, purely out of frustration.

And these lights in the photos aren't effect, just sun. Thanks for the amazing spring weather outside, I was able to take some photos, but sun ruined it a little x/


  1. Trochu nezvyklé, ale... ♥.♥

  2. Děkuji slečny :"3

    A ano, řekla bych, že tenhle lady-like styl je v poslední době u mě naprosto nahrazen boyish smth oblečením...

  3. Ohhh, kam se podělo mé milované boyish pážátko? :O
    Líbí. :)
    A dnes se jdu řádně prohrabat těma fotkama. Snad i něco pošlu. ^^"

  4. Aaa amazing !! I am just sooo in love with your outfits and your creepy expressions ! ^^

  5. Johanka : Would be a-maaaaaaaazing to already see some photos...I so love browsing photos after some events..It make me feel it was real...♥

    Akeshi : Creepy? No way! I'm so peace-loving...U do not think sooooooooooo? XDDD


  6. Užij si Paříž ^^. A nemůžu se rozhodnout jestli mám raději lady-like Tenshi nebo the boyish one. I když, tobě jednoduše sluší všechno :).

  7. Nalejsme si čistého vína El, vím že the boyish one..přiznalas to v čajovně!!!

  8. vždycky jen žasnu, vypadáš úžasně! ♥
