I finally got a pile of really good photos taken by Fabi.an for which I'm really thankful of x)
So after some time...a few photos of the me before the end of this year's holiday.
Also, I'm wearing a pants after like many many years (6 or so)
Although, I ripped them already inspired by Taemin's famous ripped pants x)

So after some time...a few photos of the me before the end of this year's holiday.
Also, I'm wearing a pants after like many many years (6 or so)
Although, I ripped them already inspired by Taemin's famous ripped pants x)
I also bought a few great things including Monki sweater that day in local second-hands. I will post them for sure x)
Tenshi, nekuř :D
ReplyDeletehuh, ty máš vážně kalhoty O.o
Deletejá si nedávno dvoje koupila a pak jsem zjistila, že už je neumím nosit xD
:DDDDDDD vezmu si tvou radu k srdci xD
DeleteMám..a poté několika leté odmlce jsem se zase trošku namočila do světa kalhot a jsem z toho mírně páv..tolik možností..tenhle nově otevřený svět je por mě absolutně neprobádaným místem XD
ReplyDeleteThis one is the best!
(But if it's for the photo...then it's okay. :D)
You really like that one the most? It's rather error photo, but I somehow like it, so I just had to post it too...still wasn't sure if it's "weird,but good" or plainly "weird and weird" xD
DeleteDon't worry..I'm too poor to be a proper smoker XD
I feel like writing 'Tenshi, smoke!' but it'd sound like I want you to die... which I don't of course. :D
ReplyDeleteI love the pictures, they match the feeling of the outfit.
Purrfect. ^^
You're so pretty! I love your hair S2
ReplyDeleteTenshi v kalhotách... Mhh, to je jako Tenshi bez punčoch... :3
ReplyDeleteI když nejsem moc velkej fanda kouření, tak tyhle fotky jsou prostě... ♥♥♥♥♥!
Jé, někdo semnou prožívá skutečnost absurdity mě, oblečené v kalhotech :D Ale teď už to je opět jenom trhanec ala Taemin x)