December 11, 2012

Being a vampire

I've been struggling recently to feel like a girl even after dressing up like one and doing the best for this result. It just didn't work up. A bit sad for a girl I guess. But a strange thing happened after putting this cutie on : a long, super cheap ff-brand wig ala Taylor Momsen (or at least I was called Tayler the day I wore it several times;)
I wore (and actually even bought it for this occasion) for my "maturita" (something prom like) party, with vampire theme.
Now I feel like buying all the wigs of different styles and wearing only them with a super short haircut under them. Maybe I've been "a boy" for a too long so this "feeling of long hair" just had to get me. XD

And one from there..

I hope you liked it. Maybe you will see me long haired much often now :D


  1. Oh my GOD. :O
    Love youuuuuuu! <3

  2. Aural Vampire!
    Really awesome wig.
    On the first pic you look a lot like Lucy just with longer hair... Can´t help it! :D

    1. It hasn't even crossed my mind but..wait a minute. I see your point :D

  3. Teda... bych Tě málem nepoznala s tak dlouhými vlasy! Vypadáš uplně jako někdo jiný.

    Ale krásné pojetí "upírky", Tvá bledá pleť tak dokonale sedí k těm světlounkým vlasům... a ten rudý makeup k tomu... dokonalost!

    1. Děkuji. Já si taky připadala jako někdo jiný a skutečně po delší době propadla dlouhým vlasům **
      A moc děkuji ^^

  4. I totally get you, I'm trying to grow my hair too (not alllowed to wear a wig). You look amazing, I'd love to see you in different colors and styles too <3

    1. Thank you very very much Vita. I'm actually quite surprised by my own reaction, as I've been a huuge short hair supporter the last two years, but this one evening totally got my mind. But I'm quite hesitating whether I should buy rather a few not really high-quality wigs or invest into fine one..
      I wish you luck then ♥

  5. Oh dear, I love this look, you are looking like vampire and at the same time you are really lovely. You know how much I am into vampires (and into this kind of Tenshi)

  6. The wig really suits you :) You look amazing! I´d like to see you with wigs more often, but I love the crazy colors(like blue,violet,green..)
    I´m joining this site :)


    1. Believe me, as soon as possible you will see me in many other things as I really fell for wigs and I will be a few in the closest future. (One is actually on its way xP)

  7. Awww ^_^ such a amazing vampire you are! I love the wig ♥

  8. wow, what a change, i love the look!
    I know the feeling of having a long wig on after being a "boy" :)) It always changes something inside, I even act more feminine with long hair. (and dressing in full lolita does the same thing to me)
