June 25, 2012

Second-hand huntings

We have no good shops here,in our region, no even H&M or things like that (only a cropp town and House  if it counts..guess not,cause there's nothing to find) therefore the only way (despite Internet ofc) to get a good pieces of clothes is to go an browse all the second-hands here (at leas, we have something...)
And if you're lucky, there's a possibility to find something really good (and even in your size, as there are lotsa XL things in sizes 40 up...)
So what I found in last months (I guess, that's not all,whatever)
I'm facing a huge style-crisis, while I'm not sure what to wear,what to buy ect. but the cat crop top was one of these items I immediately MUST-HAVE ITEM :D 
I really wanted something like the gray vest but in white...whatever,I'm starting to like gray after all XD  
And some jewelery...the flowers are from Poland,from Warsaw's H&M,as same as the lavender hight-waisted belt,necklace and phone-case were presents from my family from Slovakia..x)

And I have also a tiny corset from this Saturday..
Actually we went for a shopping with Gedžitka that day and I ended up buying Galaretka (it's typical polish jelly with many flavors..) instead of clothes ...whut's me?


  1. That cat top is so scary-cool. Love it, I have to have something like that, too. :D

    And I love those cheetah dresses. Need to see you in those. <3 (also I need some elegand cheeteh-printed shirt. NEED.)

    And H&M flowers are always awesome.

    1. I need a loatsa clothes, or pieces to make some of outfits possible, so I totally got what you eman ♥

  2. ...ta kočka je úžasná (kor když vezmu v potaz svou bezmeznou lásku ke kočkám...xD)
    A věřím, že už jsi asi někdy někam psala, ale...kolik toho oblečení máš, když tohle všechno nakoupíš jen tak semtam někde v sekáči? XD

    Btw.: a co se týče jisté události, která se koná příští týden...celý náš pokoj má ohroženou přítomnost...to je tak bizarní až mi to přijde vtipné xD

    1. WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAT? Přenáším se přes překvapení,že tě potkávám zde, přes díky za komentář k udivení z druhého odstavce...

    2. ...jo, Skype už mi nestačí...a Twitter jsem si zrušila xD A na tebe na netu není tak těžké narazit...asi to mě sem dostalo. A když už jsem tu byla, tak že tady i zanechám...stopu xD

  3. Wait, you're not saying you got all of the amazing clothes in the first two pictures in second hand shops? Becuase if you did, I'm moving there!

    1. Those second-hands have a bit higher prises, but you know,it's still like buying these clothes in sales (and usually even cheaper..)
      But it's a bit habit-forming, so I'm becoming unable to spend so much money in normal shops...and also, you know, you get use to be content with clothes you wouldn't like in a normal shops...
      Still, I'm absolutely for second-hands! Come and see, you're welcome...And I bet (according to what I look you wear) we have some great pieces here, waiting for ya XDDD

    2. You bet I'll come and buy it all, mu ha ha! I know, I just recently went to see the sales and everything looked so expensive, compared to second hand. XD I kinda hope they'll have some cool sales in France... Because I checked the websites of the second hand shops in the town where I'll be staying and they suck. T___T

  4. Chci to na tobě všechno vidět, protože i na zemi to vypadá fantasticky :-)
    Btw, co děláš s Galaretkou? Já ji strkám jen do dortu, aby mi hezky držel a nerozplizl se mi :D, ale budu ráda za další tipy :D

    1. No u některých věcí si až tolik jistá nejsem, vážně mám teď trochu krizi s oblečením, takže si i přes snahu šatník naplnit novými a mému současnému já vyhovujícími kousky, neustále šlapu vedle..
      Galaretkou? Mám ji ráda i jen tak v poháru s ovocem, nebo jogurtem, tvarohem nebo tak.. Nebo ej taky úžasné ji nechat trošku ochladnout a ještě tekutou rozmíchat s tvarohem z vaničky. Pak to ztuhne a je z toho šíleně skvělá pastelová věcička. Taky se to tak dá dělat s kysaným mlékem (podmáslím x)
