July 16, 2012

Japan Expo 2012 in photos

Promised photos from JAPAN EXPO 2012.
Just tell me, who wouldn't become a stalker in this situation..just the feeling of walking the same path was amazing..XD
Many creative and stylish people...*
And a few of our photos of local cosplayers...
The last photo taken inside the area..
Sort of farewell photo, maybe just until the next year :"3

Because we had only one camera for the three of us, and although we really felt like we are taking so many photos, it seems not to be enough AT ALL...and because El made a review too, I tried not to use the same photos and here's the link where you can continue on x) and here 


  1. I just realized how easy it is to stalk you and me :D, but I am not sure if people stalking us would imagine our trip in Paris the way it was (especially when looking at picture 8) :D

    1. Noone actually knows more, than we are showing...Therefore it's just a secret about our the pinky foams travels, and nice French trying to help us with our signs :'D

  2. Možná je to trochu ošemetná otázka a kdyžtak mi odpověď pošli někam na mail nebo tak ale... na kolik vás to vyšlo penězí? Se vším všudy...

    1. Jelikož se vás ptalo více, pokusím se to nějak shrnout v článku..rady a tipy XD a taky..nemám tvůj email,ač bych se k němu možná nějak dopídila přes centrálu tipuji x)

    2. okay tak já budu čekat xD
      a pro nějaký budoucí případ venea@me.com :3

  3. As I wrote to Elisse, you are so lucky. Nice photos by the way

  4. Páni, ten cosplay Amidaly je dobrý. I když u expa s tímto tématem bych to zrovna nečekala. I tak wow!
    Muselo to být vážně perfektní :)

  5. yaay all these stunning people! ^^
